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The company Teploluxe has summarized the results of the first half of the year.

The Russian manufacturer of cable electric heating systems and leak protection systems, "Group Atlantic Teploluxe" and "Teploluxe Group," reports positive dynamics in their operations for the first half of the year. This success was achieved through the implementation of plans to release new products and launch new equipment, the reorganization of the sales department,

"For Teploluxe, the first half of 2024 was marked by a traditional increase in sales and production, along with numerous technical innovations. The company completed the update of its line of thermostats for electric underfloor heating. In the Teploluxe Liberte line, improved stitching technology has been mastered to ensure a more precise and even distribution of the heating cable. Several types of software-hardware robots were also introduced, reducing the workload of production and office staff by handling monotonous tasks. An updated version of the Neptun Smart +18 water leak protection system was released, offering faster response times for the most demanding customers," commented Sergey Lebedev, General Director of LLC "Group Atlantic Teploluxe."

Additionally, several new devices of various purposes were developed and put into serial production: the mechanical Solus, and the electronic Pontus and Pontus WiFi, which can be controlled via smartphone. The models are available in white and black with large screens in different shades. The new technologies in development and production have enabled the release of high-quality thermostats at an affordable price.

A significant milestone is the release of a self-regulating cable line produced in-house, eliminating dependence on unstable supplies and improving the overall quality of the final products.

"We purchased and launched new equipment for the production of silicone-sheathed heating cables, which will allow us to replace imported products in the Russian market. Our turnover increased by 20% compared to last year. It is worth noting that last year's reorganization of the sales department is starting to pay off. We see significant growth in sales in the DIY and ECOM segments," added Sergey Tarasov, Director of LLC "Teploluxe Group."

An important event at the beginning of the year was the company's 30th anniversary, which brought together more than 450 employees from all regions of the country. Traditionally, the company conducts an annual employee satisfaction survey, and this year Teploluxe achieved a 95% satisfaction rate.

"In terms of internal HR processes, the main priority for the first half of this year was the creation of a training system for commercial teams. We launched the Sales Academy, which includes three training program modules on sales techniques, two e-courses on negotiation skills, a course on business correspondence, face-to-face presentation training, and a train-the-trainer program. Over 100 people have undergone training. To enhance the effectiveness of sales teams, we developed our product training system. This project was a breakthrough as we created a blended learning system, starting with online courses and testing, and ending with face-to-face training, meetups, and webinars," commented Julia Kulagina, HR Director of Teploluxe.

A training platform for partners and customers was also launched, allowing clients to take product training courses and learn about new products at any convenient time. Another important priority since the beginning of this year has been the automation of processes. The company launched Bitrix24, significantly increasing work productivity.

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