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How homes are getting smarter and easier to manage

The demand for smart homes and home technology is growing. The greater the choice, the cheaper the basic technologies become and the wider the scope of their application. But to prevent the market from being pulled in different directions like a swan, a crab and a pike, there is a need to develop standards. They will allow all equipment manufacturers and software developers to speak the same language.

At the Fontanka round table, experts talked about import substitution and technology development, as well as why voice-controlled homes are no longer a fantasy, but a reality. Artem Kazarin, product manager of Teplolyuks, took part in the professional discussion and shared his opinion with the publication.

Expanding demand has given rise to another trend - simplification, Artem believes.

"If you tell a consumer that a device works through an app, it causes rejection in many people: people already have a lot of apps - every store has them now, he explained. - Apparently, we are at some intermediate stage between when all manufacturers create applications "for themselves" and when someone will unite them into a single system."

So far, according to Artem Kazarin, the most popular device that performs such a "unifying" function has been Alice from Yandex.

The active spread of smart home technologies has led to the need to regulate this market in some way. It is known that the Ministry of Digital, the Ministry of Construction and the Ministry of Industry and Trade in 2024 plan to develop and approve a set of national standards for digital services and services in new buildings. At the end of 2023, GOSTs 71199 and 71200 for smart homes have already been approved. Experts believe that the emergence of such standards will first of all help to define the concepts.

"Standards will help to put a framework to understand where a smart home, where - not smart, where a mandatory device, and where not, - comments Artem Kazarin. - That is, at what point do we move from a light bulb on a remote to a smart home."

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